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Lairuna is a text-based adventure game powered by AI. It's designed to be a unique experience each time you play. Like reading a good book, except you influence the story.

I'm sharing updates on X: @argshook Follow for more info.

If you enjoy reading or writing, you'll love Lairuna. Any of the Lairuna stories can be used as inspiration for your own writing.

Click here to Login with Google and play Lairuna

How It Works

Initially I believed simply asking some AI model (like ChatGPT) to just "spin a cool tale" would yield good stories. That would be easy!

But it's not — the stories come out really bland and the whole process feels like work, not fun. There's a whole lot of typing and refining, you act as a "story sculptor" and can't really enjoy the story firsthand.

Lairuna implements all kinds of writing techniques. Leveraging AI takes it to the next level: it helps to make the experience unique for each playthrough and introduce all kinds of unexpected story twists.

Behind the scenes there's a lot going on to keep things fresh and engaging. For instance, illustrations are generated on the fly to make the story more immersive.

The game is split into turns and each one is generated with the knowledge of user choices and previous story spins.

A lot of data is "secret", that is, not revealed to you in an obvious way. All characters in the game have their own desires and goals which are revealde throghout the play. They also have bad habits that they try to hide or overcome. Sometimes bad habits can have disastrous effects on the story.

How It Looks

Best way to experience is to just jump in and play! You can login using your Google account here.

A peek at the game UI:

Screenshot of Lairuna in-game UI.
Screenshot of Lairuna in-game UI

Lairuna throws you into the shoes of an already established character, like suddenly tuning into someone's mind.

Every play is a one-of-a-kind adventure. No two stories are ever alike. It begins by choosing a character:

Screenshot of Lairuna character selection.
Character selection screen

Notice how it's not about magic or dragons, it's about experiences much closer to home.

The story is split into turns, similar to turning pages in a book... except you're the one deciding what happens next:

Screenshot of choosing an option.
Choosing an option for the next turn

Sometimes there are 3 choices, sometimes 2 or 4. Sometimes to continue, you must type the choice yourself.

All the choices are relevant to the story and current characters. Behind the scenes Lairuna calculates how your choice should impact the story and it advances accordingly.

Lairuna is designed primarily for mobile play but the game works just fine on desktop too.

The game is in active development, with daily updates. Try it out and have fun! 🎉